On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Chester Mealer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 1. This rule creates an office called Agoran Greeter. > > 2. The holder of this office is a partnership known as the Agoran Welcoming > Committee, created by this rule.
If the holder of the office is specified by the rules, it needs to be an imposed office. If you don't say it's imposed, it's elected, meaning the officeholder can be replaced, leaving this rule with a dumb look on its face (to quote my history teacher for, I think, the second time). Also, the rules (especially rules with power less than 2, that of rule 2145, "Partnerships") can't just create partnerships; to be a partnership, something has to be "a binding agreement governed by the rules which devolves its legal obligations onto a subset of its parties, numbering at least two, collectively" to be a partnership. (By the way, is it the subset or the parties themselves that must number at least two?) And there's really no need for this to be a partnership, or the Greeter position to be an office; just have a set of players called the Welcoming Committee. > 3. A player can be a member of the partnership with Agoran Consent by > announcing eir intent to join the partnership. Stating that they do it by announcing their intent to join is redundant with the definition of Agoran Consent, I believe. > 4. A partner can be removed from the partnership only following a judgment > of true on the statement "e did not fulfill the duties of an Agoran > Greeter." You might want to change that to something like "a judgment of TRUE on a statement that e did not fulfill the duties of an Agoran Greeter", as a statement that literally contains a pronoun like that one is quite ambiguous. --Ivan Hope CXXVII