This is just an idea I'm playing around with at the moment and does not meet the requirements of rule 106 yet to be a proposal.
Anyone have thoughts on this: Amend rule: 1922 To append the following text: (g) Official Greeter, to be awarded by the IADoP, to any player who announces eir intent to become a greeter with Agoran consent (ratio 1). This title is to be revoked by the IADoP only following a judgement of TRUE on a CFJ on the statement X did not perform duties one would expect of a greeter, where X is a player currently holding the patent title of Official Greeter. Should one or more offices with duties of greeting and helping new players be created, any player not currently holding that office will lose the title of Official Greeter, and any player holding that office shall gain the title of Official Greeter. Thereafter, the title shall be granted and revoked as necessary to ensure that all holders of that office shall also have the title and all players not holding that office shall not have the title. -- Chester Mealer [EMAIL PROTECTED]