On 5/29/08, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Bidding for Judgeship
So basically this removes the discretionary power of the CotC to choose good judges and transfers it to the players. I don't really like the whole bidding thing, because while it might make for an interesting minigame, it is undemocratic in the place where we need democracy the most. (Just ask Goethe. ;)) Besides, that power is considered (by me, at least) one of the 'perks' of the job of CotC, so you might face opposition in removing it. However, I would vote for a simpler proposal that would allow judges to be selected by anyone with Agoran Consent. If you could get a majority, i.e. both sides to agree that a single judge would be good for this case, then e probably deserves the job. By the way, why are you obligating players to destroy JPs themselves rather than just removing them?