Bidding for Judgeship
AI: 2
Amend R1868 by removing the third paragraph and by removing
"first-class" from the fourth paragraph.

Amend R1871 by retitling it to "The Bidding Court" and by amending it to read:
Judicial Points (JP) are a currency whose recordkeeper is the CotC.
The CotC CAN create 10 JP in the possession of each active first-class
player by announcement if e has not done so during the current week.

When a judicial case requires a judge and has no judge assigned, the
CotC CAN begin a bidding phase to select its judge by announcement,
and SHALL do so as soon as possible. During the bidding phase of a
judicial case any first-class player CAN bid a number of JP toward a
specific player. A player CAN NOT bid a number of JP greater than
their current JP total minus any JP they have already bid on this or
other cases which are still in their bidding phase

The CotC CAN end the bidding phase on a judicial case by announcement.
The CotC SHALL end the bidding phase of each judicial case no less
than two days and no more than for days after it begins. When the CotC
ends the bidding phase on a judicial case e SHALL assign a qualified
entity from among all qualified entities whose total JP bid toward
them is greater than all other qualified entities to be judge of that
case. For each player who bid toward that entity, e shall destroy a
number of JP in eir possession equal to eir bid.

Repeal R2203

Append to R2157:
The amount of JP bid toward a Judicial Panel in a specific judicial
case is equal to the sum of JP bid toward its members in that case.


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