Kerim Aydin wrote:
>I think you misunderstand my intent (meaning that yes, the wording is
>poor).  The initiator should not be required to report eir own support,
>it's a common mistake and annoyance.

I recognised that you intended to avoid that part of the reporting, and
I deliberately didn't include it in my version because I didn't think
that change worthwhile.  I think a habit of not reporting the implicit
vote risks people not noticing a case where there is no implicit vote,
and mistakenly letting through an action that didn't get enough support.

But the point on which I thought your wording was poor is completely
distinct: it's regarding how many votes need to be reported.  If you
require someone to report "up to 3 votes", that sounds like it could
be satisfied by reporting one vote even if there are actually four.
So I rewrote the reporting requirement to be more explicit.

>                                              The "all valid votes"
>is a pointless clause, if e doesn't have the votes, e doesn't report
>the decision.

I think as a matter of principle the decision should be resolvable.


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