Ed Murphy wrote:
root wrote:
Thu 12 Jul 17:25:19 root nominated by Human Point Two
Tue 17 Jul 06:18:01 root installed by Human Point Two
Fri 7 Sep 18:25:49 PP nominated by comex
Mon 31 Dec 10:55:53 avpx nominated by Murphy
Levi, you appear to be compensating for time zones in the wrong
direction. 18:55:53 -0800 in UTC is 02:55:53 the next day, not
10:55:53 the same day.
Bugger. I'll fix this.
Mon 31 Dec 10:55:53 BobTHJ nominated by Murphy
Mon 31 Dec 10:55:53 OscarMeyr nominated by Murphy
Mon 31 Dec 18:00:16 root nominated by root
So when is this election going to start?
A quick scan of the a-b archive shows the following:
* pikhq objects to all
* OscarMeyr supports Eris, avpx, root
* BobTHJ consents
* Zefram supports root, objects to all others
If your self-nomination is treated as implicit consent, then Levi
is overdue to initiate an election between you and BobTHJ. If not,
then nothing could have been done; only BobTHJ consented, and e
received 2 support (implicitly including me) and 2 objections.
I was under the impression that self-nomination is not implicit consent,
hence no election was required.
As all relevant timing periods are over, I believe this is just an
Agoran decision that was never resolved.