On Jan 15, 2008 1:32 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hold on thar, pardners.  You need to be a person to make an agreement
> (R1742), but you don't need to be a person to *stay in* an agreement.
> After making it, you just need to remain a "party".

The legal basis around which partnerships were created was, roughly,
that a person is an entity upon which legal obligations can be
imposed.  This is even enshrined in R2150.  By that same logic, a
nonperson categorically can't be a party to a contract, because it
can't accept obligations from the contract.

> Otherwise, you could safely drop out of any agreement by changing your
> personhood.

Fortunately, the rules don't provide any way for a nonperson to become
a person (other than by ceasing to exist).


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