On Tue, 15 Jan 2008, Ed Murphy wrote: 
>> Hypothetical:  When Fookiemyartug ceased to be a person, did it cease
>> to be bound by the agreement?  -Goethe
> Here is the relevant timeline:
> Dec 14: BobTHJ and Fookiemyartug form the VM
> Dec 31: P2PP joins; Proposal 5381 revokes personhood from non-public
>          contracts
> Jan  7: pikhq joins
> Jan 10: root joins
> Jan 14: root leaves
> If the agreement dissolved on December 31, then it may have re-formed
> on January 10, but without BobTHJ as a member.

Hold on thar, pardners.  You need to be a person to make an agreement
(R1742), but you don't need to be a person to *stay in* an agreement.
After making it, you just need to remain a "party".

Otherwise, you could safely drop out of any agreement by changing your
personhood.  When the rules changed, R1586 kept Fookie around, and
the property of being in Vote Market wasn't removed.  Of course, that
makes Fookie a member of the agreement but without R101 rights...


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