On Jan 1, 2008 9:06 PM, Josiah Worcester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If this is B Nomic, I submit the following:
> {
> The game state becomes what the game state of Agora was at the time of the
> submission of this proposal.
> }
> If this is Agora Nomic, I submit the following:
> {
> The game state becomes what the game state of B Nomic was at the time of the
> submission of this proposal.
> }

Not sure what B Nomic considers to be part of their game state, but in
Agora the fora, the set of players, and the name of the game are all
part of the game state, so I think there would be no practical effect
if both proposals passed.  If exactly one passed, the practical effect
would probably just be to demolish the nomic in which it passed.


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