On Dec 31, 2007 7:43 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Each Note has exactly one of the standard twelve pitches (ignoring > octaves, and treating enharmonics as equivalent).
"Each Note has exactly one pitch from the chromatic scale." > (2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a scale > to increase eir own VVLOP by 1. Any type of scale? Major, minor, whole tone, chromatic, pentatonic, Hungarian gypsy, etc.? Arguably, one could spend any five distinct notes and call it a scale. > (4) A player CAN spend two Notes of the same pitch to make > another player gain one Note of that pitch. This doesn't seem terribly useful, since Notes aren't defined as a fixed asset (changes in holdings are secured, but R2166 generally allows transfers and has sufficient power). > (5) During Agora's Birthday, a player CAN spend Notes forming > a standard rendition of "Happy Birthday" to satisfy the > Winning Condition of Musicianship, unless another player > has already done so during that Birthday. I'm not sure what qualify as a standard rendition. Anything that's been published? Is it enough to spend notes forming the melody, or is the harmony needed as well? > Rests are a fixed currency. Ownership of Rests is restricted > to players. Changes to Rest holdings are secured. Rests need a recordkeepor. -root