comex wrote:
On 12/5/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Regulated actions external to the rules (e.g. sending messages)
are ILLEGAL by default. Regulated actions defined by the rules
(e.g. casting votes) are IMPOSSIBLE by default.
This could make a bug in the rules much more likely to cause gamestate
recalculation (because we can't depend on game-custom for defaults).
For example, "x MAY y", if MMI is interpreted such that CAN and MAY
are orthogonal, is already a tautology, but with this clause it would
no longer make y possible.
More to the point, "x MAY y if z", otherwise the "limited circumstances"
clauses don't apply. But the "affects information with a recordkeepor"
clause probably still would. I'll work on a new draft later today.
This revised version also would not make an action that is always
impossible regulated, so this stupid rule:
"No player CAN by announcement win the game"
would by R101 (ii) make any player able to win the game by
announcement. Depending on interpretation this could also hold for
more realistic rules.
That's a good reason to continue defining always-impossible and
always-illegal actions as regulated.