I'm not sure increasing quorum is the appropriate measure. I think Rule 2168 would just double the voting period.

It would double, then still fail because quorum was impossible to achieve.
Not perfect, I know!  Least complex way I could find.

Ah yes, it would work. I was thinking there was a way I could try and time it such that the proposal ended after the emergency session concluded and quorum would reset, but upon rereading filibuster applies even after the emergency session concludes, so it would mean the end of that proposal.

It just occured to me that another possible hole is that I could, with two other senators, control the game by continually declaring emergency sessions and filibuster on all proposals except our own. Does something like:

   The voting limit of Senators on a filibuster proposal is one. The voting
   limit of all other players on a filibuster proposal is zero.

work here or get overridden by other rules?

I don't know how many senators we would have. Even that might not prevent three senators exploiting this. Maybe filibuster proposals also have an adoption index of at least two.

Or, maybe I'm just starting to ramble and lose focus. I am feeling tired :)


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