Proto:  Rubicon

Enact a rule entitled "The Senate" with the following text and a
power of 2:

      A Senator is any Player who has been registered continuously for
      the immediately preceding thirty days.  The collection of
      Senators is the Senate.

      A Senator may call an Emergency Session with 2 Senate supporters.
      An emergency session lasts for 21 days after being called.

      During emergency session, any Senator declare a filibuster on
      a proposal in its voting period, with 2 support.  Any senator
      may end a filibuster on a proposal with 2 support.  A proposal
      that ends its voting period in filibuster has a quorum of
      the number of eligible voters plus 1, rules to the contrary

      When an emergency session begins, all non-Senators' postures 
      become supine, and non-Senators may not flip their posture
      while the session lasts.


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