Quoting Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 8/31/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Geoffrey Spear wrote:
>And I think Fern and Emerald are just Green.

They're definitely shades of green, but fern is slightly reddish
and emerald is slightly bluish.  Much the same way that pink is a
shade of red.  They're not the best ones on the list.  Have a look at
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colours>, see if you can improve
on them.

That list distinguishes Cyan and Teal, too.  How are those synonyms
and not your supposedly canonical list?

Can a colorblind player insist that Red and Green are synonyms and
that they can be used interchangeably regardless of what the rules
say? After all, color is merely our perception of light, not an innate
property of objects.

Ow I wanted to do that... Also there are some tetra-chrome humans who can see 4 colours. There are actually an infinite number of real colours (combinations of differing strengths of wavelengths) for any colour we can perceive. So technically there are an infinite number of different greens that are indistinguishable by the human eye.


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