> > I don't understand why we don't just eliminate the phrase "the vote
> > collector, and" from R1728(d).
> Because it's non-intuitive, and it adds verbosity when announcing the
> action.  Dependent actions are meant to be light-weight, and there
> should be no reason to have to support your own action.

All right, I see that. But the solutions I'm seeing proposed in this
thread seem to me equally unintuitive, albeit for the first-time
reader of the rules rather than for the experienced user.

How about if, in addition to my previous suggestion, we insert a new
item after (b) reading:

       Upon the announcement of intent, the announcer
       implicitly votes SUPPORT, unless e explicitly votes
       OBJECT. This paragraph shall not be construed as
       forbidding the announcer from retracting or altering
       eir vote in the same message as the announcement of
       intent or any later message.

and re-enumerate the paragraphs?

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