Quoting Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

"then e loses loses a VC"

Proto-Proposal:  Three-Tone Economics
(AI = 3, please)

Change the Power of Rule 2126 (Voting Credits) to 2, and amend it
to read:

      Voting Credits (VCs) are a measure of each player's ability to
      affect voting limits on ordinary proposals.  VCs CANNOT be
      affected except as described in this rule.

      When a player registers or deregisters, e loses all eir VCs.

      When one or more players win the game, each player's voting
      limit on ordinary proposals is reset to its default value.

      Each VC has a color (Gray if not otherwise specified).  If a
      player loses a color of VC that e does not possess, then e loses
      loses a VC of eir Party's color instead; if e has no VCs at all,
      then the loss is waived (you can't get blood from a turnip).

      VCs may be gained as follows:

        a) When a proposal is adopted, its proposer gains Red VCs
           equal to the integer portion of the proposal's adoption
           index, and each co-author of the proposal gains one Red VC.

        b) At the end of each month, for each office, the player (if
           any) who held that office for the majority of that month
           gains two Green VCs, unless the Speaker publicly announces
           within a week after the end of the month that the officer
           performed eir duties poorly or not at all.

        c) A player who submits a judgement during eir Deliberation
           Period gains one Blue VC.

      VCs may be lost as follows:

        a) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its
           adoption index, its proposer loses one Red VC.

        b) When an officer forfeits eir salary due to announcement by
           the Speaker, e loses one Green VC.

        c) A player whose judgement is overturned, or who is recused
           for failing to judge within eir Deliberation Period, loses
           one Blue VC.

      VCs may be spent as follows, by announcement (INVALID unless
      the color is specified).  All changes to voting limits are applied
      at the end of the week, in the order the VCs were spent, after
      which any fractional voting limits are rounded to the nearest
      integer (nearest odd integer if the fractional part is 0.5).

        a) A player may spend two VCs of different colors to increase
           another player's voting limit on ordinary proposals by one.

        b) A player may spend three VCs of different colors to increase
           eir own voting limit on ordinary proposals by one.

        c) A player may spend two VCs of different colors to decrease
           another player's voting limit on ordinary proposals by one
           (to a minimum of zero).

        d) A player may spend three VCs of different colors to decrease
           another player's voting limit on ordinary proposals by ten

Create a rule titled "Parties" with this text:

      Each player's Party is the color of VC that e possesses the
      most of.  Ties are broken in favor of the color that comes
      first in alphabetical order.

Repeal Rule 2128 (Winning).

Amend Rule 2136 (Contests) to read:

      Points are a measure of a player's contentiousness.  The number
      of points possessed by a player is eir score.

      When a player registers or deregisters, e loses all eir points.

      A contest is an agreement that identifies itself as such, and
      identifies exactly one party as its contestmaster; all other
      parties are its contestants.

      The Scorekeepor is an office; its holder is responsible for
      keeping track of scores and contests.

      A contestmaster may award a total of up to 10 points per week
      to one or more contestants as permitted by the contest, unless
      e was contestmaster of a different contest for at least 3 days
      of the previous week.

      A player with 100 or more points may win the game by announcing
      this fact.  Upon such an announcement, each player's score is
      set to zero.


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