Benjamin Schultz wrote:
>I seem to have missed something about the Hanging Judge.  How can  
>these five separate items all be assigned to the same player?

Bug in R1871: "A player is ineligible to be Trial Judge of a CFJ if e was
turned when it was called." (rather than "... if e is turned at the time
of assignment").  Almost everyone was turned when those CFJs were called,
making them difficult to assign.  The Hanging Judge's raison d'etre is
that it was not turned when these were called and so was eligible to be
assigned to them all.  The bug in eligibility will be fixed by proposal
4991 if it is adopted.

>how can players not party to the Hanging Judge cover its job?

By an informal arrangement.  The pseudo-assignments that comex made have
no legal status.  The pseudo-assigned judges are expected to render a
pseudo-judgement, which the Hanging Judge will then deliver as a legal


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