I am requesting comments on the final iteration of my three related currency and economy proposals:
Create a new rule titled "Property" with Power 1 and the text: { A Magnate is a type of entity. Magnates may own other entities called Properties. All Properties must be owned by a Magnate. If a Property is ever not owned by a Magnate, it becomes owned by the Agoran Treasury. The Magnate that owns a Property has the sole right to use that Property in the manner the rules allow. No Magnate can use a Property that it does not own. Properties can not be created or destroyed except as the rules specify. Specific types of Properties can be either fungible or non-fungible. All registered Players are Magnates. } Create a new rule titled "Property Transfer" with Power 1 and the text: { Whenever a Property or Properties are transferred, the following occur simultaneously: * The Property or Properties ceasee to be owned by their current owner Magnate. * The Property or Propreties becomee owned by the Magnate identified as receiving the transfer Any Magnate can transfer one or more Properties they own to another Magnate by making a "Transfer Notice" announcement to the Public Forum, unless otherwise prohibited. This Transfer Notice must clearly identify the following information: * The Magnate who owns the Property or Properties in question * The Magnate who will receive the Property or Properties in question * Each Property to be transferred as part of this notice The Property or Properties in question are transferred upon the posting of a valid Transfer Notice. If a rule states that a Magnate may pay a specified type and amount of property, then that Magnate may do so by Transfer Notice, but is not obligated to. If a rule states that a Magnate is obliged to pay a specified type and amount of property, then that Magnate must do so as soon as possible by Transfer Notice. If a rule states that a Magnate pays a specified type and amount of property, then that property is transferred to the designated receiving Magnate instantly (if possible) upon that requirement taking effect. } Create a new rule titled "Secretary of the Treasury" with Power 1 and the text: { There exists an Office titled "Secretary of the Treasury". The holder of this office is responsible for tracking Properties and Magnates. The Secretary of the Treasury's report shall include: * A list of each Magnate and the Properties it owns. * A summary of all events involving the creation, destruction, or transfer of Property since the last published Secretary of the Treasury report } Create a new rule titled "Currency" with Power 1 and the text: { Currency is a fungible type of Property. One unit of Currency is known as an Agoran Dollar. Currency may be referenced using the dollar sign ($). } When this Proposal passes, $10,000 shall be created and given to each registered Player who is a natural person. Department of the Treasury AI: 1 Create a rule titled "Department of the Treasury" with Power of 1 and this text: { There shall exist a Magnate known as the Agoran Treasury. The Tax Levy is a percentage. At the beginning of each week, every Player pays a percentage of their Currency equal to the Tax Levy to the Agoran Treasury (rounding down to the nearest Agoran Dollar). This is known as Paying Taxes and the amount paid is known as the Tax. The Secretary of the Treasury may change the Tax Levy to a new amount with Agoran Consent. } When this proposal is passed, the Tax Levy is set to 5%, and $10,000 is created and given to the Agoran Treasury. Create a rule titled "Salary for Agoran Officials" with Power of 1 and this text: { Each Office of Agora shall have a Salary amount associated with it. The Salary is an amount of Currency, and unless otherwise specified is equal to $500. At the beginning of each week, the Agoran Treasury pays the holder of each Agoran Office an amount of Currency equal to the Salary amount of that Office. The Secretary of the Treasury may change the Salary of an office with Agoran Consent. } Modify rule 1504 "Sentencing Orders" by adding the following point to the list as item #3, and renumbering all following items: { 3) An order for the defendant to pay a specified amount of Currency up to $1000 to the Agoran Treasury } Create a rule titled "Bankrupcy" with Power of 1 and this text: { If a Magnate other than the Agoran Treasury is unable to pay an amount of a type of Property that they are required to pay, then that Magnate is said to be "Bankrupt". Any Magnate (with the exception of the Agoran Treasury) to whom a Bankrupt Magnate is required to pay Property to is a Creditor. When a Magnate becomes Bankrupt, the following occurs (in order): 1. All Property owned by Magnate is transferred to the Agoran Treasury. 2. The Agoran Treasury pays to each Creditor one half (rounded down) of the amount and type of fungible property owed to them, as much as is possible, and all non-fungible property owed to them as much as possible. If there are multiple Creditors, then each shall be paid in random order. 3. The Bankrupt Magnate's Voting Limit on Ordinary Proposals is set to 1. 4. The Bankrupt Magnate ceases to be Bankrupt, and is released from any current obligation to pay property to a Creditor. However, this does not prevent the formerly Bankrupt Magnate from being required to pay Property to another Magnate in the future. If the Agoran Treasury is ever unable to pay an amount of a type of Property that it is required to pay to another Magnate, it is released from that requirement to pay until such a time as it is able to pay the specified amount and type of Property. } Economy AI: 1 Create a rule called "Certification" with Power 1 that reads: { A Player who performs one of the following actions without being certified for that action has er Voting Limit on Ordinary Proposals reduced by two: * Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals * Supporting or opposing a dependent action * Submitting a proposal for distribution Players become certified for an action by obtaining a Certificate. A Certificate is owned by a player, but is not Property and may not be traded or exchanged. Each Certificate allows a Player to perform one specific action. Each certificate has an expiration date. The holder of a Certificate may exercise the action specified in the certificate freely while that Certificate is valid. When the expiration date of a Certificate is reached, it becomes invalid and ceases to exist. A Player may hold any number of Certificates, and holding a Certificate does not prevent another Player from holding a Certificate of the same type. } Create a rule called "Licenses" with Power 1 that reads: { Certain activities are regulated under Agoran law. These activities may only be conducted by an Agoran Player who holds a license for that activity. Any Agoran Player may purchase a License for one of the activities regulated by this rule by making an announcement to the Public Forum and paying the cost of that License in Currency to the Agoran Treasury. Each License has an Initial Cost to purchase, and in addition each License requires a monthly Renewal Fee to be paid to the Agoran Treasury. If a Player wishes to renew a Licence, e may pay the renewal fee to the Agoran Treasury as soon as possible after the beginning of a new month. If e doesn't, e loses that License and if e wishes to become re-licensed in that activity again, e shall have to pay the initial license purchase fee. The Secretary of the Treasury may change the Initial Cost and/or the Renewal Fee of any license with Agoran Consent. A License is owned by a Player, but is not Property and may not be transferred. A Player may hold as many Licenses as e wishes, and each License is available to all Agoran Players to purchase, unless otherwise specified in another rule of equal or higher power. The following Licenses are available for purchase: Voter Certification License A Player holding this license can (by announcement) issue a Voter's Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Voter's Certificate is certified to submit ballots on distributed Proposals. Dependent Action License A Player holding this License can (by announcement) issue a Supporter's Certificate or an Objector's Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Supporter's Certificate may support any dependent action and the holder of an Objector's Certificate may object to any dependent action. Proposer Certification License A Player holding this License can (by announcement) issue a Proposer's Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Proposer's Certificate may submit proposals for distribution. Contractor's License A Player holding this License can (by announcement) create one Land as described in the rule Land Ownership, as long as e has not done so within the past week. Digit Farming License A Player holding this License can (by announcement) "farm" Digit Ranches e owns, as described in the rule Land Ownership, as long as e has not done so within the past week. Equator's License A Player holding this License can (by announcement) process equations using eir Equation Factories, as described in the rule Land Ownership. Demolitions License A Player holding this License can (by announcement) destroy any one Land owned by any Player, as long as e has not done so within the past week. Broker's License A Player holding this License is known as a Broker. A Player holding this License can (by announcement) may validate a Bill of Sale. } Create a rule called "Digits" with Power 1 that reads: { Digits are a type of Property that may be owned by Players. There are ten types of Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the same numerical value are fungible. After an Ordinary Proposal is distributed, but before voting ends, any Player may destroy digits e controls corresponding to the digits in the number of that proposal announcement. This has the effect of increasing eir Voting Limit on that Proposal by two. This action may be performed multiple times by the same Player for the same Proposal. A Player may destroy one digit he controls of each of the ten digit types by making an announcement to the Public Forum. If e does, e gains 1 VC. When a Judge issues a judgment on a CFJ, e may destroy digits e controls corresponding to the digits in the number of the CFJ. If e does, the Agoran Treasury pays em $1000. } Create a rule called "Land Ownership" with Power 1 that reads: { Land is a type of non-fungible Property. A Magnate may name a specific Land it owns by announcement. Land may not be transferred voluntarily (unless specifically permitted in another rule) except by a Bill of Sale. A Bill of Sale is a type of Transfer Notice that is inherantly invalid unless validated by a Broker. A Digit Ranch is a type of Land. Each Digit Ranch produces a single type of Digit, determined at the time the Digit Ranch is created by its creator. A Digit Ranch's digit type may not be changed. When a Magnate owning a Digit Ranch "farms", one digit of the same type as the Digit ranch is created and given to that Magnate. An Equation Factory is a type of Land. An Equation factory consists of a mathematical equation containing three variables (represented by the capital letters X, Y, and Z). An Equation Factory's equation is determined at the time it is created and it may not be changed. At any time, the owner of an Equation Factory, if e holds an Equator's License, may use any three digits e owns to 'Process Equations' by announcement: 1. E substitutes those digits into the equation in place of the Variables. 2. E solves the equation to obtain a result between 0 and 99 inclusive. 3. The original digits are destroyed and e receives two newly created digits, one for each digit in the resulting number (adding a leading zero if needed to obtain a two digit number) If, when solved, an equation produces a number that is not in the range of 0 to 99 that Equation Factory is destroyed. } Create a rule titled "Auctions" with Power of 1 and this text: { A Magnate may declare one or more amounts and types of Property it owns (except for Currency) as "Up for Auction" by announcement. The Property or Properties declared up for auction are collectively known as the Lot. The Magnate putting the Lot up for auction is known as the Seller. The Magnate must designate a Broker, that Broker is known as the Auctioneer. Any Magnate except the Seller may make a Bid on a Lot by announcement. A Bid must include a specific amount of Currency that is less than or equal to the amount of Currency that Magnate owns. The Auctioneer may declare the auction closed at any time by announcement. When e does e may optionally select a winning bid from among those bids received on that Lot. If e does, then the Magnate that made that bid pays the amount of Currency specified in that Bid to the Seller, and the Seller pays the Lot to the Magnate who made the winning Bid. The Secretary of the Treasury may act on behalf of the Agoran Treasury to designate any Property or Properties owned by the Agoran Treasury as Up for Auction, and may specify a Broker to serve as Auctioneer for that auction. If an Auctioneer has not selected a winning bid after one week, that auction is closed without a winning bid. } Create a rule titled "Welfare" with Power of 1 and this text: { The Unemployment Stipend is an amount of Currency. At the beginning of each week, the Agoran Treasury pays an amount equal to the Unemployment Stipend to each Magnate that meets the following conditions: 1. The Magnate is a natural person. 2. The Magnate possesses no Licenses 3. The Magnate owns no Land The Secretary of the Treasury may change the Unemployment Stipend to a new amount with Agoran Consent. }