here's the first one, the more political one. The second one (later sometime) is more mathematical.
Proto: On all our houses Repeal 1688, 1482, and 1030. [Note: order of things must be considered for this bootstrapping] Enact the following Rule, entitled "All our houses" House is a stuck switch for Rules, Proposals, Players, and CFJs with values Ordinary, Senatorial, Democratic, and Constitutional. A Player may change eir house at any time, except a Player may not be Constitutional. A Proposal may be submitted to any house (default Ordinary), and adoption depends on the Rules of that house. A Constitutional Rule is submitted simultaneously to all houses, and must be adopted by all houses to take effect. A non-Constitutional Proposal submitted to a specific house may only change Rules within that house, following submission and adoption procedures specified by that house's rules. If no adoption Rules exist in that house, or a Constitutional Court finds the Rules of that house do not allow the adoption of a proposal in reasonable time, the default procedure for resolving decisions is followed. Enact the following Rule, entitled 'Judicial Houses' A CFJ may be submitted to any house (default Senatorial). A Constitutional CFJ (also called an "Appeal") convenes a panel of one player from each house, appointed as described by the Rules of that house. A conflict bewteen Rules within a house is resolved by a CFJ submitted to that house according to the Rules of that house. If no Rules exist in that house, or a Constitutional Court finds the Rules of that house do not allow the resolution of a CFJ in reasonable time, the default procedure for resolving CFJs is followed. If Rules conflict between houses, they can only be adjudicated by a Constitutional CFJ. In such cases, Constitional Rules may define methods for which certain houses have precedence over others for certain types of Rules. If Constitutional Rules are otherwise silent, precedence is ordered as specified by the list of possible houses. Enact the following Rule, entitled "Primary regulations" If something is said by the Rules of a house to be "primarily regulated" by that house, then that house's rules have precedence over other houses for that thing. If Rules of two houses conflict over claiming primary regulation, the older (lower-Numbered) Rule so claiming shall have precedence. The above Rules are all made Constitutional. Constitutional protections to add later [if this proto is liked] 1. [Rights and privileges] 2. [If mechanism breaks down, a unaimous vote of all players can change rules of any house] 3. [If all else fails, a CFJ can enpanel three players regardless of house to sort things out] 4. [default procedures] Upon the adoption of this Proposal, [All Rules] are mapped onto [Houses] as follows: