Ed Murphy wrote:
>Due to Rules 1006 and 1450, the office of CotC is currently
>vacant.  Or, under a different interpretation, I am being
>continuously assigned by 1006 and removed by 1450, which is
>no better.

R1006 says that an office that would otherwise be vacant is held by the
Speaker.  This initially puts you into the CotCship, as R1450 doesn't
make holding both impossible.  Then R1450 says that you are removed from
the CotCship, which would make it vacant.  R1006 says that in that case
the office would instead be held by you as Speaker; effectively, that you
are not removed from the CotCship.  At this point the two rules conflict,
and R1450 takes precedence due to power.

Therefore you were CotC once for an infinitesemal amount of time, but
the CotCship has since been vacant.

I believe timing orders aimed at the CotC cannot be executed, because
there is no CotC.  We don't have a properly-developed distinction between
the office and its holder, so it's not entirely clear.  R889 says
"The Clerk of the Courts ... is an office", but in most other rules
"the Clerk of the Courts" is a player with certain obligations.


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