Goethe wrote:
I can't keep up right now. Need to enforce a break in myself, otherwise
RL will suffer more (already is, can never seem to not get sucked in).
Sincere apologies for leaving the CotC office so far behind. I'll continue
to watch the (encouraging) developments with interest.
I deregister.
Due to Rules 1006 and 1450, the office of CotC is currently
vacant. Or, under a different interpretation, I am being
continuously assigned by 1006 and removed by 1450, which is
no better.
In either case, do we have any volunteers? As usual, I can
continue to maintain the database, as that's easier than
relocating it. The office-holder would generally need to do
the following:
* Publish CFJs (R897)
* Assign judges (R1868)
* Publish decisions (R591)
* Recuse late judges (R408)
* Issue Notices of Rotation (R1871)
* Process appeals (R1564, R911, R1447, R1805)
* Process judicial and sentencing orders (R1803, R1804)
* Forward motions (R1826)
* Publish concurring and dissenting opinions (R1365)
* Publish the Stare Decisis monthly (R889)
* Keep track of Agoran Contracts (R2109)
* Participate in degree committee selection if the Speaker
can't (R1370)
There used to be a weekly report, including a list of pending
assignments and decisions, each player's eligibility to judge,
and a history of recent relevant events. When did we lose
that? We should reinstate it. (Back when Eris was CotC, e
provided the first two items via the web, but didn't publish
reports because e wasn't required to; I proposed the weekly
report as a convenient audit trail.) The most recent version
of this report was my unofficial one of March 16.
There is one Agoran Contract, pertaining to the Envoy. The
March 16 non-report includes it.