On 5/12/07, Michael Slone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/12/07, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > There shall exist a type of entity known as a Currency Owning Entity > (hereafter COE). I would recommend using a different name, or a different abbreviation. For many years COE was used as an official abbreviation for Claim of Error. Even though that no longer has official recognition, it's still a good idea to avoid it.
Sure, I'm not married to the term. Please forgive my newness and unfamiliarity with Agoran history. I figured I wasn't the first to propose currency in this Nomic, but I honestly don't know how it has been done before.
Every COE has a value Currency. While doing things this way does avoid dealing with fungibility, I'd prefer Agoran Dollars being discrete objects held by COEs, rather than being mere features of COEs.
I suppose Agoran Dollars could be made Trinkets?
This is a non-negative > integer value. One unit of Currency is known as an Agoran Dollar. An amount > of Currency can be represented using the dollar sign ($). Fractional values > of Currency shall be rounded to the nearest Integer. It looks like you intend Currency to be discrete ``at bottom''. Maybe something like the following would work? Currency is a non-negative integral number of Agoran Dollars. The symbol for the Agoran Dollar is the Dollar Sign, written $. A quantity of Agoran Dollars that would otherwise be non-integral shall be interpreted as that quantity of Agoran Dollars rounded to the nearest integer. > Currency is owned by the COE who possesses it. A COE may transfer Currency > they own This is just a style issue, but it's more common in Agora to use the Spivak pronouns (``may transfer Currency e owns'') rather than the singular ``they''. I should not that it is *not* required that you do so. In particular, our Mighty First Speaker Michael tended to use singular ``they'' instead of the Spivak pronouns. > to another COE freely by making an announcement to the Public > Forum. Here I have a couple of questions, though. First, since Currency is a value (and apparently just a natural number), what does it mean to transfer Currency? Second, does the announcement of a COE who wishes to transfer Currency have to take any particular form? If not, how is it to be distinguished from other actions performed publicly? I suggest revising this to A COE may freely transfer any specified amount of Currency to another COE by announcement. This ensures that the donating entity must post something along the lines of ``I transfer 8$ to foo' in order to transfer Currency.
Thanks, I'll incorporate your wording on the above.
When a COE is instructed to pay Currency or Agoran Dollars to another > COE, the specified amount of Currency is deducted from eir total and added > to the other COE's total. It might be more interesting (and give another reason to start rebuilding criminal law) if being instructed to pay Currency only imposed a requirement to pay rather than it happening automatically.
I'm not opposed to this, but I don't want to cause a nightmare of paperwork either.
Currency is regulated by the rules and may not be created or destroyed by > any means except through a proposal with an Acceptability Index equal to or > higher than this rule's power. What is an Acceptability Index?
uh...it is reserved for truly indecent proposals....
Whenever a Player registers, Currency shall be created in the amount of > $1,000 and given to em. When a Player de-registers, any Currency they > possess shall be destroyed. What does it mean to create or destroy Currency? -- C. Maud Image (Michael Slone) I dance the dance of the objectionable; no, that's not right... I dance the mysteriously frowning dance of the objecting. -- Michael, in agora-discussion