On May 7, 2007, at 8:13 AM, Zefram wrote:

I hereby submit the following proposal, titled "precedence takes
precedence", and set its AI to 4:


Change the Power of rule 1482 to 4.

[At Power=3, R1482 doesn't work properly in the Power>=3 region, because
a Power=3 rule can take precedence over R1482 to stipulate a different
precedence-determining rule.  By its nature, R1482 should have the
highest Power of all rules.]



I support this, partly because it makes sense and partly for the marvyness of having a useful rule of power 4.

But as a thought, ought R101 also have maximum extant power? Should this proposal pass, power-based rule conflict resolution would take precedence over obeying the rules!

Oh wait -- R101 no longer says that we must obey the rules! Never mind....
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM

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