Murphy wrote:
>        iv. Every person has the right to invoke a judgement, appeal a
>            judgement, appeal a sentencing or judicial order binding em,
>            and receive judgement in a timely fashion.

Looks good, for clarity, I'd suggest the "receive" clause right after 
"invoke" clause, so the phrase follows the logical progression of a CFJ.

>        iii. Every player has the right to submit a proposal and have it
>             voted on in a timely fashion.

Actually, I don't think we need to fix this.  In fact, I'd vote against
it.  There's been a healthy history of proposal-killing/delaying procedures
that we should keep that this would stop (e.g. vetoes, making undistributable,
distribution costs in general).  We just need to make sure we have a
sufficient diversity of mechanisms that takeover proposals have a chance of
being outmaneuvered.  If your oligarch proposal hadn't had the CFJ part,
I would have voted for it!


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