Hi all

If my software does the deletion, it adds a GUID to the end of the adgroup 
name prior to deletion to make sure it doesn't risk creating a duplicate in 
the future if it needs to recreate the adgroup.

The problem is when a human makes a mistake and deletes the adgroup and 
effectively "blocks" the software from creating it again...



On Thursday, 18 September 2014 14:51:46 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Mariusz,
> I've asked the team to investigate whether it is feasible to allow deleted 
> adgroups and campaigns to be renamed. I'll update the thread as I hear from 
> them,
> Cheers,
> Anash
> On Thursday, September 18, 2014 5:43:41 AM UTC-4, Mariusz wrote:
>> One more thing to bear in mind is that you probably should version 
>> deleted adgroups. Imagine:
>>    - user creates adgroup “test” 
>>    - then deletes it, so the system first renames it to “test_del” and 
>>    then marks as deleted 
>>    - user creates again adgroup named “test” 
>>    - user tries to delete it 
>> The system will fail in step 4, because it will try to rename adgroup to 
>> “test_del”, but that name already exists. So what you may do in that case 
>> is to detect the error, and try to rename it to “test_del1”.
>> Cheers,
>> Mariusz
>> On Thursday, 18 September 2014 08:24:33 UTC+1, Oliver wrote:
>> Just thinking loud here, if the adgroups are deleted via your software, 
>>> what if you rename the adgroup *before *you delete it?  We used to use 
>>> a similar approach where we appended the text "_del" to all adgroup names 
>>> that are about to be deleted.
>>> Obviously, if the adgroup is deleted via the adwords interface rather 
>>> than your software, then the above won't help.
>>> Oliver
>>> On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:33:22 PM UTC+1, David Midgley wrote:
>>>> Hi Anash/API Team
>>>> I responded to your question. Is there anything else you need to know?
>>>> It would be great to get an answer on this please!
>>>> Cheers
>>>> David
>>>> On Monday, 15 September 2014 16:04:31 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords 
>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> If I remember correctly, the name needs to be unique in only active + 
>>>>> paused items, not globally (with the new change). So if the user deletes 
>>>>> an 
>>>>> adgroup with the same name, you could create one with the same name 
>>>>> again. 
>>>>> Let me know if you are seeing a different behaviour, and I'll ask the 
>>>>> team 
>>>>> to investigate this further.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>>>> On Monday, September 8, 2014 2:29:07 PM UTC-4, David Midgley wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the quick response Anash!
>>>>>> Let me explain my use case and maybe you can find a workaround?
>>>>>> We are working on an optimisation application that uses a strict 
>>>>>> naming convention for campaign and adgroup names. If a user accidentally 
>>>>>> deletes an adgroup, my software can't correct the error by recreating 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> adgroup because if we create a new adgroup with the same name in the 
>>>>>> same 
>>>>>> campaign we'll get a duplicate adgroup name error. Our solution to this 
>>>>>> problem was to rename the deleted adgroup which enabled us to create the 
>>>>>> new adgroup.
>>>>>> Now that we can't rename the deleted adgroup and we can't create a 
>>>>>> new adgroup with the same name, how can we enforce our strict naming 
>>>>>> convention? This naming convention links adgroups between campaigns and 
>>>>>> is 
>>>>>> critical to our operations.
>>>>>> We could "version" adgroup names, but this seems pretty untidy. We 
>>>>>> could use labels, but this could create thousands of labels and more 
>>>>>> (potentially error-prone) manual work.
>>>>>> Can you think of a workaround?
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> On Monday, 8 September 2014 19:15:49 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords 
>>>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> AdWords API v201406 no longer allows you to undelete campaigns, 
>>>>>>> adgroups, etc. The UI and older API versions allows this behaviour for 
>>>>>>> now, 
>>>>>>> but they will eventually start working like the way v201406 works today.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>>>>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>>>>>> On Monday, September 8, 2014 11:19:45 AM UTC-4, David Midgley wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>> I'm having problems with a new 
>>>>>>>> It appears that you can't "undelete" an adgroup (ie set any 
>>>>>>>> properties of a removed adgroup, including Status) or even add a 
>>>>>>>> keyword to 
>>>>>>>> an existing adgroup where that keyword was previously deleted. This 
>>>>>>>> seems 
>>>>>>>> to be a change between the v201402 and v201406 versions of the API. 
>>>>>>>> Obviously these are things that you can do via the UI.
>>>>>>>> There is mention of this in another post:
>>>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/adwords-api/OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_REMOVED_ENTITY%7Csort:relevance/adwords-api/uLdWDk7dMgs/kCLnPsog1UAJ
>>>>>>>> Is this a bug? Is this going to get fixed soon?
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> ​

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