Hi Ray,

Thanks for your reply. Could you clarify exactly what you mean by "content 
bid can be used for Search and Display networks". When I look at creating a 
new campaign in the AdWords UI I have the following options for campaign 

Search Network with Display Select
Search Network only
Display Network only

For precisely which of these campaign types should I be able create ad 
groups with content bid set?

I have tried creating ad groups with contentBid set in all of the campaign 
types except Shopping, and all failed.

The soap request and responses I sent you were for a campaign that has type 
"Search Network with Display Select - All features"

Does it have an effect whether the campaigns are set with "all features" vs 

If there's any further information I can provide you that would be of use, 
just let me know.

Thanks again for looking into this!

On Thursday, 8 May 2014 13:59:31 UTC-3, Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Chris,
> Content bid can only be used for Search and Display networks, but nothing 
> else.
> Thanks!
> Ray
> On Thursday, May 8, 2014 9:50:44 AM UTC-4, Chris wrote:
>> Hi Ray,
>> Hopefully you received the private message I tried to send you. If not, 
>> please let me know.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> On Wednesday, 7 May 2014 15:07:58 UTC-3, Chris wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> I'm trying to fully understand when you can, and should, set the content 
>>> bid on a new AdGroup
>>> When I previously saw this 
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/adwordsapi-announcements/j_VjErMFhTEinformation
>>>  I thought that we just had to make sure we weren't setting 
>>> contentBid on Display Network Only campaigns, or ad groups within.
>>> I have just been running some tests however (in and AdWords test account 
>>> ... I don't know if this makes any difference) and see that when creating a 
>>> new campaign of either 'Search Network with Display Select', or 'Google 
>>> Search', or 'Display Network', that I cannot create an ad group in any of 
>>> these campaigns when a contentBid value is set on the cpcBid for the ad 
>>> group.
>>> So ... I'm confused - when should we actually set the contentBid on a 
>>> new ad group?
>>> Looking here 
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!newtopic/adwords-api/adwords-api/PoxLi7jH7rcI
>>>  get the impression that there is different behaviour for whether you can 
>>> set the contentBid on an ad group depending on when the campaign was 
>>> created - whether it is an 'old' campaign or a 'new' campaign?
>>> Any kind of clarification regarding when we can set the contentBid on a 
>>> new ad group would be much appreciated, as right now I'm rather confused on 
>>> the topic.

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