Hi people. I've been fielding questions from users over discrepancies 
between UI and API reports. I've found this 
that discusses changes that came into effect on October 1. In particular:

1) *Distinct search and display columns*. We’re adding new columns to 
cleanly separate search and display impression share.
2) *“Hour of day” segmentation*. Based on your feedback, we’re enabling 
“Hour of day” segmentation so you can evaluate how your ad coverage varies 
by the hour.

I see these changes have *not* made it into the API report documentation, 
nor the API reports themselves, and hence are a source of discrepancy ( and 
hence source of issues for us ). Can someone please give an estimate on 
when this is expected to be fixed?

On a similar topic, the article also states that the old impression share 
columns will become unavailable in February 2013. It's not clear if this 
affects API reports or not. Will there then be a situation where we can't 
even say to users "stop using the new impression share metrics and use the 
old ones that are compatible with API reports?" If not, that implies there 
will be a breaking change to API reports in February 2013, which I'm 
currently unaware of. Are there plans to deprecate v201209 in February 2013?

Stability of reports is essential to tool providers, as discrepancies like 
this cause users to doubt solutions we build around them.

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