
We are aware of these changes on the product side, and are working to make 
the changes available through AdWords API. We will post on our official 
blog at http://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com when the changes are 
available in the AdWords API reports.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Monday, 26 November 2012 09:34:40 UTC+5:30, dkasak wrote:
> Hi people. I've been fielding questions from users over discrepancies 
> between UI and API reports. I've found this article: 
> http://adwords.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/impression-share-reporting-changes-are.htmlthat
>  discusses changes that came into effect on October 1. In particular:
> 1) *Distinct search and display columns*. We’re adding new columns to 
> cleanly separate search and display impression share.
> 2) *“Hour of day” segmentation*. Based on your feedback, we’re enabling 
> “Hour of day” segmentation so you can evaluate how your ad coverage varies 
> by the hour.
> I see these changes have *not* made it into the API report documentation, 
> nor the API reports themselves, and hence are a source of discrepancy ( and 
> hence source of issues for us ). Can someone please give an estimate on 
> when this is expected to be fixed?
> On a similar topic, the article also states that the old impression share 
> columns will become unavailable in February 2013. It's not clear if this 
> affects API reports or not. Will there then be a situation where we can't 
> even say to users "stop using the new impression share metrics and use the 
> old ones that are compatible with API reports?" If not, that implies there 
> will be a breaking change to API reports in February 2013, which I'm 
> currently unaware of. Are there plans to deprecate v201209 in February 2013?
> Stability of reports is essential to tool providers, as discrepancies like 
> this cause users to doubt solutions we build around them.

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