Hi Sinisa,
  To elaborate, the Keywords Performance Report returns back Ad Group 
Criteria, whereas demographic targets are only available for Campaigns at 
the moment.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 10:44:29 PM UTC-4, Danial Klimkin wrote:
> Hello Sinisa,
> These criteria id are in the demographic targeting range:
>   https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/ages
> You can't see them in keywords report as they can only be negative 
> targeted.
> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
> On Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:06:23 PM UTC+4, sgrgic wrote:
>> Any thoughts? This is happening only on few ad groups, we still don't see 
>> connections between them.
>> Anybody knows what are keyword ids 503005 and 503006?
>> Thanks,
>> Sinisa.
>> On Thursday, June 28, 2012 12:12:47 PM UTC+2, sgrgic wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm running ad performance report together with keyword performance 
>>> report for some time.
>>> I'm comparing results got from adwords reports and adwords manager and I 
>>> found that after 2012-01-01 we are getting
>>> some differences.
>>> After some debugging I found that ad performance report is returning 
>>> several fields for same date but with different 
>>> keywords. For same date range keyword performance report returns null so 
>>> I can't connect them.
>>> Here is example I'm running:
>>> get keyword report for 2012-01-01 till 2012-01-02:
>>>     creds = 
>>> AdwordsCredentials.get_credentials_by_account_name(account_name)
>>>     creds[:library] = {:return_money_in_micros => true}
>>>     adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new(creds)
>>>     report_utils = adwords.report_utils(:v201109)
>>>     kw_report_definition = {
>>>       :selector => {
>>>         :fields => KW_REPORT_FIELDS,
>>>         :date_range => {
>>>           :min => start_date.gsub('-',''),
>>>           :max => end_date.gsub('-','')
>>>         },
>>>         :predicates => [
>>>             {:field => 'Id', :operator => 'EQUALS', :values => 
>>> [8651713361]}
>>>         ]
>>>       },
>>>       :report_name => 'Custom KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>>       :report_type => 'KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>>       :date_range_type => 'CUSTOM_DATE',
>>>       :download_format => 'CSV',
>>>       # Enable to get rows with zero impressions.
>>>       :include_zero_impressions => true
>>>     }
>>>     kw_report = report_utils.download_report(kw_report_definition)
>>> kw_report is empty.
>>> ad performance report:
>>>     creds = 
>>> AdwordsCredentials.get_credentials_by_account_name(account_name)
>>>     creds[:library] = {:return_money_in_micros => true}
>>>     adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new(creds)
>>>     report_utils = adwords.report_utils(:v201109)
>>>     ad_report_definition = {
>>>       :selector => {
>>>         :fields => AD_REPORT_FIELDS,
>>>         :date_range => {
>>>           :min => start_date.gsub('-',''),
>>>           :max => end_date.gsub('-','')
>>>         },
>>>         :predicates => [
>>>             {:field => 'Id', :operator => 'EQUALS', :values => 
>>> [8651713361]}
>>>         ]
>>>       },
>>>       :report_name => 'Custom AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>>       :report_type => 'AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>>       :date_range_type => 'CUSTOM_DATE',
>>>       :download_format => 'CSV',
>>>       # Enable to get rows with zero impressions.
>>>       :include_zero_impressions => true
>>>     }
>>>     ad_report = report_utils.download_report(ad_report_definition)
>>> ad_report has 4 lines, 2 for each date with keyword ids: 503005 and 
>>> 503006.
>>> So, for example, for date 2012-02-01 adwords manager shows 25 clicks and 
>>> adwords report returns two
>>> rows, one with 11 clicks and another with 14 clicks. Meaning sum of 
>>> those two is 25 so it's ok, but
>>> I wonder what has changed after 2012-01-01 so we are getting this splits 
>>> by keyword ids?
>>> Before 2012-01-01 ad performance report is 100% accurate as adwords 
>>> manager shows.
>>> Basically what we need now is to group by keyword ids in case keyword is 
>>> not present.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sinisa.
>>> P.S. to understand source code you need this also
>>>   Id KeywordText Date AccountDescriptiveName CampaignId CampaignName
>>>   AdGroupId AdGroupName CriteriaDestinationUrl Status AdNetworkType1
>>>   AdNetworkType2 Impressions Clicks
>>>   Ctr AverageCpc AverageCpm Cost AveragePosition Conversions
>>>   ConversionRate CostPerConversion ValuePerConversion
>>> }
>>>   Date AccountDescriptiveName CampaignId CampaignName AdGroupId 
>>> AdGroupName
>>>   KeywordId CreativeDestinationUrl Id Status AdNetworkType1 
>>> AdNetworkType2
>>>   ImageCreativeName Impressions Clicks
>>>   Ctr AverageCpc AverageCpm Cost AveragePosition Conversions
>>>   ConversionRate CostPerConversion ValuePerConversion
>>> }

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