
I'm running ad performance report together with keyword performance report 
for some time.
I'm comparing results got from adwords reports and adwords manager and I 
found that after 2012-01-01 we are getting
some differences.
After some debugging I found that ad performance report is returning 
several fields for same date but with different 
keywords. For same date range keyword performance report returns null so I 
can't connect them.
Here is example I'm running:
get keyword report for 2012-01-01 till 2012-01-02:
    creds = AdwordsCredentials.get_credentials_by_account_name(account_name)
    creds[:library] = {:return_money_in_micros => true}
    adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new(creds)
    report_utils = adwords.report_utils(:v201109)
    kw_report_definition = {
      :selector => {
        :fields => KW_REPORT_FIELDS,
        :date_range => {
          :min => start_date.gsub('-',''),
          :max => end_date.gsub('-','')
        :predicates => [
            {:field => 'Id', :operator => 'EQUALS', :values => [8651713361]}
      :report_name => 'Custom KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
      :report_type => 'KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
      :date_range_type => 'CUSTOM_DATE',
      :download_format => 'CSV',
      # Enable to get rows with zero impressions.
      :include_zero_impressions => true
    kw_report = report_utils.download_report(kw_report_definition)
kw_report is empty.

ad performance report:
    creds = AdwordsCredentials.get_credentials_by_account_name(account_name)
    creds[:library] = {:return_money_in_micros => true}
    adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new(creds)
    report_utils = adwords.report_utils(:v201109)

    ad_report_definition = {
      :selector => {
        :fields => AD_REPORT_FIELDS,
        :date_range => {
          :min => start_date.gsub('-',''),
          :max => end_date.gsub('-','')
        :predicates => [
            {:field => 'Id', :operator => 'EQUALS', :values => [8651713361]}
      :report_name => 'Custom AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
      :report_type => 'AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
      :date_range_type => 'CUSTOM_DATE',
      :download_format => 'CSV',
      # Enable to get rows with zero impressions.
      :include_zero_impressions => true
    ad_report = report_utils.download_report(ad_report_definition)

ad_report has 4 lines, 2 for each date with keyword ids: 503005 and 503006.
So, for example, for date 2012-02-01 adwords manager shows 25 clicks and 
adwords report returns two
rows, one with 11 clicks and another with 14 clicks. Meaning sum of those 
two is 25 so it's ok, but
I wonder what has changed after 2012-01-01 so we are getting this splits by 
keyword ids?
Before 2012-01-01 ad performance report is 100% accurate as adwords manager 
Basically what we need now is to group by keyword ids in case keyword is 
not present.


P.S. to understand source code you need this also
  Id KeywordText Date AccountDescriptiveName CampaignId CampaignName
  AdGroupId AdGroupName CriteriaDestinationUrl Status AdNetworkType1
  AdNetworkType2 Impressions Clicks
  Ctr AverageCpc AverageCpm Cost AveragePosition Conversions
  ConversionRate CostPerConversion ValuePerConversion
  Date AccountDescriptiveName CampaignId CampaignName AdGroupId AdGroupName
  KeywordId CreativeDestinationUrl Id Status AdNetworkType1 AdNetworkType2
  ImageCreativeName Impressions Clicks
  Ctr AverageCpc AverageCpm Cost AveragePosition Conversions
  ConversionRate CostPerConversion ValuePerConversion

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