I have an urgent problem: The TargetingIdeaService used to work fine - 
until yesterday. There were no changes in the coding, but suddenly the 
TargetingIdeaService is producing an exception 
[TargetingIdeaError.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE @ selector; 
trigger:'CRITERION']. According to the doc, this exception could happen if 
the IdeaType would be IdeaType.PLACEMENT along with an 
AttributeType.CRITERION, understandably so. But our IdeaType is 
IdeaType.KEYWORD as it always was, so this looks like a bug introduced 
today. Any remedies are urgently needed. Here is our basic code snippet:

        Dim targetingIdeaService As TargetingIdeaService = 

        ' Create the selector.
        Dim selector As New TargetingIdeaSelector
        selector.requestType = RequestType.IDEAS
        selector.ideaType = IdeaType.KEYWORD
        selector.requestedAttributeTypes = New AttributeType() 

        ' Define paging to limit results.
        Dim paging As New Paging
        paging.startIndex = 0
        paging.numberResults = 200
        selector.paging = paging

        ' Create related to url search parameter.
        Dim relatedToUrlSearchParameter As New RelatedToUrlSearchParameter
        relatedToUrlSearchParameter.urls = New String() {url}

        ' Landesweit
        Dim Location As New Location
        Location.id = GCountryId

        Dim locationSearchParameter As New LocationSearchParameter
        locationSearchParameter.locations = New Location() {Location}

        selector.searchParameters = New SearchParameter() 

        Dim strMsg As String = ""
            Dim page As TargetingIdeaPage = 
            ' Code removed, here the Keywords are saved, but it doesn't get 
here anyway

        Catch ex As Exception
            strMsg = "Failed to retrieve related keywords. Exception says " 
& ex.InnerException.Message
        End Try

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