  Could you please try to run a Campaign Performance Report with a 
ReportDefinition like that below against this account?  When I ran it 
against this account, the totals matched the UI, but due to the way i'm 
running the report, I believe my results may include values normally 
filtered out in the API.  If the results don't match the UI, could you 
please email me the results off-list so I can compare?


- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Monday, June 11, 2012 5:33:09 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Shaltz wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  Marketing tells me that we *are* using dynamic 
> search ads, but they make up only about 0.4% of our impressions.  You're 
> saying there's no way to get this info via the API?  That's probably 
> acceptable, as long as the volume remains so small.
> Video being excluded would certainly explain why our TV account is not 
> showing up, but I believe that's the only account with such ads, so it does 
> not explain any of the other gaps.  I'll confirm this point.
> I'm not interesting in duplicating functionality, I just want to see 
> approximately the same numbers from each source.  The main account, 
> #9420663870, had 14.22 M impressions in April, per the GUI MCC account 
> overview page.  The sum of the three ad hoc report types I listed earlier 
> comes to 5.57 M.
> On Monday, June 11, 2012 2:18:56 PM UTC-5, Kevin Winter wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   The UI is obviously updated more frequently than the API - we lean 
>> towards more stable and less frequent updates for API changes.
>> The API therefore lags behind the UI in some features. In particular, 
>> there are a few objects that are filtered from the API, which could explain 
>> these discrepancies.
>> Dynamic Search Ads will not come back in the API: 
>> http://adwords.blogspot.com/2011/10/introducing-dynamic-search-ads-beta.html
>> Video Campaigns for AdWords for video will not have any of their stats 
>> visible via the API: http://www.google.com/ads/video/
>> The UI is a dashboard intended to give an overview of account data.  The 
>> reporting API is intended to provide access to various types of statistics 
>> related to your account.  It is not a stated goal of the API to duplicate 
>> UI functionality (for example, the keyword tool in the UI requires use of 
>> both TES and TIS to correctly mimic the UI).
>> If the objects I mentioned above fail to explain your missing data, it 
>> would be useful if we could get more specifics - what account, what type of 
>> information are you looking at in the UI, what reports and fields are you 
>> using, etc.
>> - Kevin Winter
>> AdWords API Team
>> On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 4:32:48 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Shaltz wrote:
>>> Good afternoon.  I'd like to use the API to pull exactly the same data 
>>> that users are used to seeing in the AdWords web GUI (e.g., 
>>> https://adwords.google.com/mcm/Mcm?__u=123&__c=456#c).  By pulling a 
>>> MANAGED_PLACEMENTS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT for each account, summing the 
>>> results, I get *close* for clicks, conversions, and spend.  Typically 
>>> the numbers reported by the API are higher by about 1%.  I can write this 
>>> off as being due to time zone differences or other edge cases.
>>> However, the API is returning much lower impressions, around one third 
>>> what the GUI gives.  Is there another report I need which is likely to fill 
>>> in the impressions?
>>> I'm comparing numbers for April, so any small retroactive changes should 
>>> long since has settled out.
>>> While the breadth of the gap varies, it's fairly consistent across 
>>> accounts; the web GUI may be twice as high for one account, and five times 
>>> as high for another.  There's one exception; we have a TV account with tens 
>>> of millions of impressions per the web GUI, but for which I get no records 
>>> at all when using the API.  The reports complete without errors, they just 
>>> contain no rows after the header.  That's probably a separate issue, I just 
>>> mention it in case it sparks any light bulbs.  I'm not familiar with web 
>>> advertising, I'm a data guy not a marketing guy, so I'm not sure what's 
>>> relevant.
>>> When I've drilled into specific accounts, the gap is fairly consistent 
>>> across all campaigns.
>>> My API queries have not included any filtering, other than dates.  I 
>>> typically query three or four days' data at a time, to avoid sampling (this 
>>> was an issue with the Google Analytics API, I don't know if it also applies 
>>> to AdWords).
>>> It would be much more convenient and intuitive if there was a single 
>>> report which gave the same dimensions and metrics as the web view.  Perhaps 
>>> one exists, which I've missed?  I've not found a web page which describes 
>>> what data can be found in each report.  This 
>>> page<https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/latest/ReportDefinitionService.ReportDefinition.ReportType>has
>>>  a uselessly brief summary; this 
>>> page <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports>lists 
>>> the fields available for each report, but gives no information on 
>>> which *records* are included - unfortunately the answer is not "all".

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