
I've moved on as well.  My company lost a substantial amount of
business due to Google's negligence.  I've read through the API terms
twice now and unfortunately there is nothing preventing Google from
doing this again at their discretion, no security for us.  There is a
clear disconnect here, the lack of API customer support is a sign that
we are disposable paying customers.


On Sep 26, 7:21 pm, Matt Redford <> wrote:
> Hi Rayden
> It's been 2 weeks for me and haven't heard a thing.
> It's quite clear now how important Google regards us and how important we are 
> to them. As a business and individual I'm thinking twice about my usage of 
> Google products from now on. I'd recommend for you and any others in a 
> similar situation to do the same. They've just lost a loyal customer. Google 
> might read this and shrug its sholders and think it won't make much 
> difference... but I'm sticking by it.

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