Has anyone heard any response at all from Google on this? As it
relates to Adwords data, there is no other solution that we can use to
handle Adwords accounts (as mentioned in a post above). We are unable
to use our tools to maintain accounts for our clients, and no data can
be polled for reporting purposes. Still have "Pending Approval" .. and
zero updates from Google.

At this point, with no communication from Google, especially this many
hours into the problem calling it upsetting is a vast understatement.

On Sep 13, 4:01 pm, Matthew Redford <matthew.redf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been a API user since 2009 - and now have the same error everyone else
> has been reporting. No notification. No explanation. Wouldn't the decent
> thing for Google to do is to inform paying (often for significant periods of
> time) customers with at least an explanation? If they have tightened terms
> and conditions - why can't they work with us and inform us of what we need
> to do to comply - simply rejecting a mass amount of API accounts without any
> warning is very harsh.
> Many of us have of spent significant amounts of time developing apps and
> businesses using the AdWords API. Many of us have customers. It's just very
> frustrating.

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