Hello Lawrence,

 I'm assuming you've seen the documentation at


Even with the description in the docs, I can see why there's some
confusion. Just because the prefix "lower" and "upper" are attached to
three different values doesn't mean that there's a direct relationship
between each of the "lower" values and each of the "upper" values.
Think of AvgPosition, ClicksPerDay, and Cpc as three distinct
measures, with the "lower" prefix always containing the lower bounds
and the "upper" prefix containing the upper bounds of the estimate.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Feb 10, 6:23 pm, Lawrence Pierce <lpie...@adgooroo.com> wrote:
> When using the estimateKeywordList function of the
> TrafficEstimatorService the KeywordEstimate returned contains data for
> lower & upper:Clicks,CostperClick,AvgPosition. It appears that the
> LowerPosition is always 1 and the UpperPosition is always 3. This
> doesn't seem quite right, especiall given that the clicks & cost-per-
> click at position 3 are higher for all keywords that I query. It seems
> that the upper position should be 1 and the lower 3 and/or that
> position 1 should have a higher CPC and more clicks. Is there an issue
> with this function or am I not interpreting this data correctly?
> Thanks
> Lawrence Pierce
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