Hello guys,

the time for our Exchange Backups is still steadily increasing. As you can see 
below, a vss snapshot now takes 5 times(!) as much time as it did just 3 weeks 
ago. These log excerpts are all from the same server and database and are all 
incremental backups (except the one on 02/22/2015, which is full backup). Im 
now absolutely sure this is not normal but I have no Idea what the problem 
could be. The exchange admin assured me that he changed nothing on the server.
The exchange database volumes and the backup volumes all reside on the same 
storage, which is connected through fibrechannel. So network traffic cant be a 
Anyone got some ideas?

02/05/2015 13:26:19 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/05/2015 13:28:20 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/05/2015 13:28:20   Elapsed Processing Time: 209.85 seconds
02/06/2015 16:10:10 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/07/2015 19:10:39 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/07/2015 19:12:42 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/07/2015 19:12:42   Elapsed Processing Time: 206.52 seconds
02/08/2015 01:33:13 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/15/2015 00:17:25 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/15/2015 00:20:32 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/15/2015 00:20:32   Elapsed Processing Time: 406.69 seconds
02/16/2015 00:13:56 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/20/2015 00:17:24 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/20/2015 00:19:54 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/20/2015 00:19:54   Elapsed Processing Time: 423.87 seconds
02/21/2015 00:14:38 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/21/2015 00:20:30 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/21/2015 00:23:42 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/21/2015 00:23:42   Elapsed Processing Time: 550.66 seconds
02/22/2015 00:13:08 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/22/2015 00:23:56 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/22/2015 00:31:09 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/22/2015 00:31:09   Elapsed Processing Time: 1,087.95 seconds
02/23/2015 00:13:50 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/23/2015 00:20:13 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/23/2015 00:23:43 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/23/2015 00:23:43   Elapsed Processing Time: 601.17 seconds
02/24/2015 00:03:46 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/24/2015 00:11:25 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/24/2015 00:15:55 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/24/2015 00:15:55   Elapsed Processing Time: 737.75 seconds
02/25/2015 21:03:26 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/25/2015 21:13:07 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/25/2015 21:18:49 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/25/2015 21:18:49   Elapsed Processing Time: 930.87 seconds
02/26/2015 21:03:34 ------------------------------------------------------------
02/26/2015 21:15:08 ANS1750I Volume mount point 
'c:\exchangedatabases\dag1-01\dag1-01.log' is mounted to volume 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log'. Using snapshot volume for 
'C:\ExchangeDatabases\DAG1-01\DAG1-01.log' to backup.
02/26/2015 21:21:19 VSS Backup operation completed with rc = 0.
02/26/2015 21:21:19   Elapsed Processing Time: 1,073.57 seconds

> Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015 um 13:36 Uhr
> Von: "Billaudeau, Pierre" <p.billaud...@saq.qc.ca>
> Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] Aw: Re: [ADSM-L] Exchange Backup with Flashcopy Manager 
> Hi John,
>         I had a similar situation with Exchange 2010 TSM DP backups and the 
> reason was the VM  had been Vmotioned from one ESX to another. Lan speed went 
> from 1Gbs to 100Gbs. You might want to check this.
> Pierre Billaudeau
> Administrateur stockage
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] De la part de 
> Jeanne Bruno
> Envoyé : 23 février 2015 15:43
> Objet : Re: [ADSM-L] Aw: Re: [ADSM-L] Exchange Backup with Flashcopy Manager 
> Hello.  we skip integrity check as well.  Backups stored on a DS3512 device
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of John 
> Keyes
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 2:47 PM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] Aw: Re: [ADSM-L] Exchange Backup with Flashcopy Manager 
> Thank you Chavdar Cholev and Jeanne Bruno for sharing. I forgot to tell, we 
> do skip the integrity check, and there are only passive Databases on the 
> server.
> Are your backups going to TSM server or to a local storage? Im interested 
> either way.
> Best Regards,
> John
> Gesendet: Montag, 23. Februar 2015 um 20:20 Uhr
> Von: "Chavdar Cholev" <chavdar.cho...@gmail.com>
> Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] Exchange Backup with Flashcopy Manager EXTREMELY slow 
> We have ~ 2TB full exchange backup and it takes ~ 20 hours. There is exch db 
> consistency check before backup which takes considerable amount of time.
> It can be switched off... but it is not recommnded....
> On Monday, 23 February 2015, John Keyes <ra...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Hello fellow TSM Admins!
> >
> > I'm struggling with Exchange Backup which over the course of the last
> > few Days (mainly since the last full backup this weekend) takes about
> > 3-4 times as long as before.
> > We have Exchange 2013 DAG with 48 Databases and a dedicaded VM to do
> > the Backups (Flashcopy Manager 4.1.1, Backupdestination=local, on an
> > IBM V7000 Storage).
> > Right now even an incremental backup of 1 database takes ~12 minutes,
> > but the volume is only 30GB big and has only 5GB (5000 x 1MB Files) on
> > it. Two weeks ago this would only take 3 Minutes.
> > A Full backup takes about half an hour (so I couldn't even complete a
> > full backup for every database in one day). I also tried to
> > full-backup the same database twice right after one another, with no 
> > difference.
> >
> > This can hardly be normal, can it? Has anyone had the same problems
> > and maybe could point me in the right direction?
> > Also it would be great if anyone could share how much time their
> > backups take...
> >
> > Best regards,
> > John
> >
> ------------------
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