Hello fellow TSM Admins!
I'm struggling with Exchange Backup which over the course of the last few Days 
(mainly since the last full backup this weekend) takes about 3-4 times as long 
as before.
We have Exchange 2013 DAG with 48 Databases and a dedicaded VM to do the 
Backups (Flashcopy Manager 4.1.1, Backupdestination=local, on an IBM V7000 
Right now even an incremental backup of 1 database takes ~12 minutes, but the 
volume is only 30GB big and has only 5GB (5000 x 1MB Files) on it. Two weeks 
ago this would only take 3 Minutes.
A Full backup takes about half an hour (so I couldn't even complete a full 
backup for every database in one day). I also tried to full-backup the same 
database twice right after one another, with no difference.

This can hardly be normal, can it? Has anyone had the same problems and maybe 
could point me in the right direction?
Also it would be great if anyone could share how much time their backups take...
Best regards,

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