As you are aware from previous posts, we are heading into a "deinstall 3494
- install 3584".  This is a pull-push since we don't have the floor
space/power to run both.

We met with Mainline/IBM yesterday and concerns were raised about the time
slot being allotted to this project - roughly 24-hours and if needed,
48-hours.  The comment from the IBM SE/FE was they usually allow a week for
an install/burn-in of a 3584.  Originally, the Mainline (sales) person
threw out 8-hours for deinstall of the 3494 (this is for scrap/parts - no
care taken in how it is taken apart and removed) and 8-hours for the 3584

So, I am looking for experiences on how long it took for you to get your
3584 installed and what, if any, issues there were.

We are removing a 12-frame 3494 and pushing in a 7-frame TS3500/3584 (1-L23

*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
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