> At what point does the NDMP induced pinning get released? With NDMP, each file system is backed up as an image. Therefore each file system is backed up in its own transaction. The transaction is committed (pin released) when the backup for the file system completes.
If the backup does not span more than one tape then there is no pin for the backup of that file system. Best regards, Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development Level 3 Team Lead Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS Internet e-mail: stor...@us.ibm.com IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page: http://www.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/Overview/Software/Tivoli/Tivoli_Storage_Manager "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> wrote on 2011-05-16 15:53:31: > From: David E Ehresman <deehr...@louisville.edu> > To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu > Date: 2011-05-16 15:59 > Subject: Re: TSM Recovery log is pinning since upgrade to code > Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> > > >>> Andrew Raibeck <stor...@us.ibm.com> 5/16/2011 2:04 PM >>> > >>Some things that can pin the recovery log: > >> > >>- NDMP backups that span more than one tape (the pin occurs at the > time the > >>first tape starts to rewind and another tape is needed) > At what point does the NDMP induced pinning get released?