I haven't tried this as yet, but I believe the syntax to be:


Where the commands after SERIAL will wait until ALL commands between
PARALLEL and SERIAL have been completed.

Robert R. Price
ADSM/TSM Administrator
Computer Sciences Corporation
Phone: 412-374-3247
Fax: 412-374-6371


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                      Timothy Hughes
                      <Timothy.Hughes          To:      ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
                      @OIT.STATE.NJ.US         cc:
                      >                        Subject: TSM 5.3 Serial & 
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                      Sent by: "ADSM:
                      Dist Stor
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                      11/18/05 10:25
                      Please respond
                      to "ADSM: Dist
                      Stor Manager"

Hello guys,

Has anyone  tested or is using the New Serial and Parallel
commands in TSM 5.3?

I am testing a script that would execute some daily routines, Such
as backing up storage pools and updating the backuppool (disk)
right now these routines are executed as Administrative Schedules.
>From what I have read, This command (Serial) is used to ensure that
any preceding commands tasks are complete before proceeding with
the next command in the script. The script below is the one that I am
and would like to execute. Can anyone find any parameter that I may be
missing if any?

/* run multiple commands in Serial and wait for each one of them to
/* complete their tasks before proceeding with the next command*/


/* Backup Diskpool, Update Disk stgpool Backup Primary Tapepool*/

BA STG backuppool R3592POOL maxpr=x preview=no wait=yes
update stgpool backuppool highmig=xx lowmig=xx wait=yes
BA STG H3592POOL R3592POOL maxpr=x preview=no wait=yes

/* Wait for previous commands task to finish */

Thanks for any help in advance!

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