If you want them all to run serially, omit all the 'Parallel' and 'serial' statements, and ensure the commands have a 'wait=yes'.
We have this script called by our fullbackup script, which itself runs as part of an admin schedule which backs up the storage pools, prepares the DR plan and backsup the TSM database.. Adam -----Original Message----- From: Timothy Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 21 November 2005 14:57 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.3 Serial & Parallel commands Thanks again Robert & Adam, Adam, What if I don't want any of these commands to run parallel can I just set them up to run serially. Also, How would I schedule these commands to run the script?...I assume I can use the admin schedule commands to do this? "Crosskey, Adam - Resources, ICT Services" wrote: > We are using the following: > > /*-------------------------------------*/ > /* SCRIPT : STGBACKUP */ > /*-------------------------------------*/ > /* Back up required storage pools */ > /*-------------------------------------*/ > SERIAL > backup stg METAPOOL LTOMETAC wait=yes maxproc=1 > backup stg SMALLPOOL LTOMETAC wait=yes maxproc=1 > PARALLEL > backup stg DIR1POOL LTOMETAC wait=yes maxproc=1 > backup stg BACK1POOL LTOBACK1C wait=yes maxproc=1 > backup stg DBPOOL LTODBC wait=yes maxproc=1 > backup stg EXCHPOOL LTOEXCHC wait=yes maxproc=1 > SERIAL > PARALLEL > backup stg LTOEXCH LTOEXCHC wait=yes maxproc=1 > backup stg LTOBACK1 LTOBACK1C wait=yes maxproc=1 > backup stg LTODB LTODBC wait=yes maxproc=1 > SERIAL > > The commands after the PARALLEL statements run together, the SERIAL > statement prevents any new processes from starting until the parallel > processes have finished. > > Hope this helps. > > Adam Crosskey > > The information in this e-mail, together with any attachments, is > confidential. If you have received this message in error you must not print > off, copy, use or disclose the contents. The information may be covered by > legal and/or professional privilege. Please delete from your system and > inform the sender of the error. As an e-mail can be an informal method of > communication, the views expressed may be personal to the sender and should > not be taken as necessarily representing the views of the Oxfordshire County > Council. As e-mails are transmitted over a public network the Oxfordshire > County Council cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or > completeness of this message. It is your responsibility to carry out all > necessary virus checks. www.oxfordshire.gov.uk The information in this e-mail, together with any attachments, is confidential. If you have received this message in error you must not print off, copy, use or disclose the contents. The information may be covered by legal and/or professional privilege. Please delete from your system and inform the sender of the error. As an e-mail can be an informal method of communication, the views expressed may be personal to the sender and should not be taken as necessarily representing the views of the Oxfordshire County Council. As e-mails are transmitted over a public network the Oxfordshire County Council cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message. It is your responsibility to carry out all necessary virus checks. www.oxfordshire.gov.uk