Thanks again Robert & Adam,


What if I don't  want any of these commands to run parallel
can I just set them up to run serially. Also, How would I
schedule these commands to run the script?...I assume
I can use the admin schedule commands to do this?

"Crosskey, Adam - Resources, ICT Services" wrote:

> We are using the following:
> /*-------------------------------------*/
> /*  SCRIPT : STGBACKUP                 */
> /*-------------------------------------*/
> /*  Back up required storage pools     */
> /*-------------------------------------*/
> backup stg METAPOOL    LTOMETAC  wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg SMALLPOOL   LTOMETAC  wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg DIR1POOL    LTOMETAC  wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg BACK1POOL   LTOBACK1C  wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg DBPOOL      LTODBC     wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg EXCHPOOL    LTOEXCHC   wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg LTOEXCH     LTOEXCHC   wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg LTOBACK1    LTOBACK1C  wait=yes maxproc=1
> backup stg LTODB       LTODBC     wait=yes maxproc=1
> The commands after the PARALLEL statements run together, the SERIAL
> statement prevents any new processes from starting until the parallel
> processes have finished.
> Hope this helps.
> Adam Crosskey
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