Whether this can or will work, depends on a couple things.

1.  If the source node had compressed volumes, you generally MUST
restore to another node with compressed volumes.
            Sometimes you'll get lucky and the file wasn't compressed
on the source node.  In that case, it may work.

2.  Even if the source node & target node both have compressed volumes,
there's no garauntee that it'll work.  TFS
              compressed files will not restore to an NSS compressed
volume.  Unfortunately, even the older versions of NSS
              compressed files won't be restorable to newer NSS
compresssed volumes.  As an example....NSS was first introduced
              as a volume-type with Netware 5.1.  NSS volumes on NW5.1
are generally not very compatible with newer NSS volumes
              on Netware 6 or 6.5.

This is not to say that you won't get lucky and be able to break one of
these rules occassionally.  However, I've found it to the be
the exception rather than the rule.

Troy Frank
Network Services
University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/2/2004 9:38:13 AM >>>

Saw your post from back in March about this but couldn't find any
replies. Any chance you remember what the fix was? I've just
the same error ((TSAFS.NLM 6.50 333)An attempt was made to put
compressed data on non-compressed volume)) trying to restore some data
to a new (NSS) drive.

Hi all, we are trying to restore our DAT: volume from one old NetWare
client to a new client....The restore started out fine, and then
detected a system error. " trying to restore compressed data to a non
compressed volume" Restore stopped....We are going to try to turn
compression on to the new volume, but Is there some issues with doing
this? I know in the past, we always told our Novell Admin's to turn
compression off because of this scenario...Thanks

Thanks, Mark Hayden


Jim Kirkman
ITS Infrastructure
UNC-Chapel Hill
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