You also have the problem with DR when it doesn't compress quickly
enough.  The oldest problem - "you can't get a quart into a pint

I don't use compression having taken over a department with all
compressed volumes and needing to restore serveral volumes without
being able to purchase new disks.  These things normally happen over
the weekend after all!


On 2 Dec 2004 at 11:19, Troy Frank wrote:

> Whether this can or will work, depends on a couple things.
> 1.  If the source node had compressed volumes, you generally MUST
> restore to another node with compressed volumes.
>             Sometimes you'll get lucky and the file wasn't compressed
> on the source node.  In that case, it may work.
> 2.  Even if the source node & target node both have compressed
> volumes, there's no garauntee that it'll work.  TFS
>               compressed files will not restore to an NSS compressed
> volume.  Unfortunately, even the older versions of NSS
>               compressed files won't be restorable to newer NSS
> compresssed volumes.  As an example....NSS was first introduced
>               as a volume-type with Netware 5.1.  NSS volumes on NW5.1
> are generally not very compatible with newer NSS volumes
>               on Netware 6 or 6.5.
> This is not to say that you won't get lucky and be able to break one
> of these rules occassionally.  However, I've found it to the be the
> exception rather than the rule.
> Troy Frank
> Network Services
> University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation
> 608.829.5384
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/2/2004 9:38:13 AM >>>
> Mark,
> Saw your post from back in March about this but couldn't find any
> replies. Any chance you remember what the fix was? I've just
> encountered the same error ((TSAFS.NLM 6.50 333)An attempt was made to
> put compressed data on non-compressed volume)) trying to restore some
> data to a new (NSS) drive.
> **********************************************************************
> ******** Hi all, we are trying to restore our DAT: volume from one old
> NetWare client to a new client....The restore started out fine, and
> then detected a system error. " trying to restore compressed data to a
> non compressed volume" Restore stopped....We are going to try to turn
> compression on to the new volume, but Is there some issues with doing
> this? I know in the past, we always told our Novell Admin's to turn
> compression off because of this scenario...Thanks
> Thanks, Mark Hayden
> **********************************************************************
> ********
> thanks
> --
> Jim Kirkman
> ITS Infrastructure
> UNC-Chapel Hill
> 919-698-8615
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> The information in this message (and the documents attached to it, if
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Tom Anstey
Institute of Molecular Medicine
Oxford University
Oxford OX3 9DS

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