I am running TSM version on aix.  I have a 3494ATL using a library
manager.  I have a volume with a label of Z00217.  When I try to delete
this volume I get message ANR8443E.

The history of this tape is I had a tsm server installed on machine one,
named TSM1 and Z00217 was the latest TSM database backup tape for that
server.  I recreated the TSM1 server on a new machine and since then I have
done a database backup for TSM1 so Z00217 is no longer the latest database
backup.  Since I recreated the TSM1 server Z00217, never existed in the
volume history file.  When I did a q libvol from the library manager Z00217
showed up as a database backup tape which it should.  I thought I could
make this a scratch tape by doing   a "checkout libvol library Z00217
remove=no" and then "checkin libvol library Z00217 status=scratch" but that
is when I got the ANR8443E message.  I checked the volume in as private and
TSM1 was assigned as the owner.  Since tsm server TSM1 never knew anything
about this tape the library manager must still be keeping track of the
tape.  Any suggestions on how I can make this volume scratch?

Jim Sporer

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