>Hi everyone! >Everytime I try to checkin my tapes to my library I need to run q request and reply <request nr> >Is it possible to checkin tape without to run a reply <request nr>?
Checking in the tapes through an I/O station (search=bulk) does require that a reply be issued to a request. However, for many of our customers, it is not practical to have the operator who is actually handling tapes running a checkin manually after the Entry/Exit port is loaded with the day's tapes (almost always less than the capacity of the entry/exit port).
For this situation, we have written a small perl script that gets scheduled once a day, typically at the end of each weekday. It's defined as a client event to run on a machine with the administrative client installed. The script runs, issues the checkin libv command, issues the "q request", parses the output to get the request number, and then issues the reply.
Works well for us and our customers...