Someone correct me if I'm wrong but it has been my experience that when you use a bulk 
search, the library accesses the I/O port and expects manual intervention of an 
operator to put tape in the I/O port. In this case you will either have to have a 
console activated to watch for the reply number or perform a q req.  
When you use search=yes, it will scan the body of the library and the app expects that 
the tapes are already there and doesn't require a reply for this reason.

Jacque Mergens
Sr Systems Engineer
1200 Corporate Dr
Birmingham, AL 35242
205.980.7543 (o)
205.410.8326 (c)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christian Svensson
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 7:36 AM
Subject: SV: Checkin libvol

Hi Otto!
Search=yes is not picking up the media from the Service port.
I need to use Search=bulk.
And and it´s still does´nt work.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Otto
Skickat: den 10 oktober 2003 14:25
Ämne: Re: Checkin libvol

we do for our 7337 (you should use your own libname ofcourse)
checkin libv  7337 search=yes checkl=yes stat=scr
and sit back

Christian Svensson wrote:

>Hi everyone!
>Everytime I try to checkin my tapes to my library I need to run q request and reply 
><request nr>
>Is it possible to checkin tape without to run a reply <request nr>?
>TSM Server :
>OS : Windows 2000 (SP 3)
>Library : Qualstar TLS-8222, Barcode Reader, Service port.
>Server HW : Dell PowerEdge 2650
>Best Regard / Med vdnlig hdlsning
>Christian Svensson
>Tivoli Storage Manager Certified
>Cristie Nordic AB
>Box 2    Phone : +46-(0)8-718 43 30
>SE-131 06 Nacka  Mobil : +46-(0)70-325 15 77
>Sweden   eMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Visit : Gamla Vdrmdvvdgen 4, Plan 2
>web : <>

Otto Schakenbos

TEL: +49-7151/502 8468
FAX: +49-7151/502 8489
MOBILE: +49-172/7102715

TFX IT-Service AG
Fronackerstrasse 33-35
71332 Waiblingen

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