Yes, I have seen this and there are a number of reasons that can cause this.
1. Are you using DRM to expire the DB tape? You should be, if not that can be a cause. 2. How detailed are your operations people and your tape return procedure? Example: if ops is using the "Move DRM " command to return tapes, do they just manually input tape volser? Point is that if they type wrong number of a tape that is still physically offsite but has just gone to vault retrieve state, tape will be deleted and left at vault. It's not in a DRM state anymore and you have to do manual inventory to find it. 3. Vault vendor can mistakenly omit a tape to be returned and OPS runs the move drm command anyway and tape is lost as above. (I find Vault Vendor errors are miniscule compared to ours). 4. Tape was by a number of means left in Tape library and not sent offsite and your OPS didn't catch it. So it can't be returned. 5. Someone could have done some manual Move drm commands by mistake or maybe you have some automated scripts that need to be changed with your retention policy changes. (Dion't know about your changes and how many scripts or schedules you have, but a review wouldn't hurt. All are OPS procedural issues except #1 above. I have dealt extensivley with all of the above and various permutations. Main point is that your OPS and Procedures have to have GOOD audit trail. OPs has to check carefully and make sure what they send offsite is what is on list you/they run and what comes back is what is on list of what was requested from vendor. If they see any descrepancies, they need to flag you on this so you can investigate. Some folks have a fairly well automated or semi-automated system for tape returns. (May use a script or Web interface so ops just selects tapes in a list as opposed to them having to type volsers in and clicks a button to generate lists for send and return). TSM can't "Control" tapes after you take them out of library, it has to assume you are following DRM cycle. This is a brief overview of what can cause your problem. David B. Longo System Administrator Health First, Inc. 3300 Fiske Blvd. Rockledge, FL 32955-4305 PH 321.434.5536 Pager 321.634.8230 Fax: 321.434.5509 [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/10/03 04:17PM >>> Hello! TSM on AIX I am running DRM and I am seeing large discrepancies in what I have offsite and what TSM reports as being offsite. I run a q drm wherest=vault [or a select statement] and compare the list to the physical tapes offsite and they don't match. About 8 weeks ago, we did this manual inventory and had about 60-tapes "come back." I did not pay much attention to this since we have been making some pretty drastic changes to our retention policies. Since then, though, we have not made any changes and when we did a manual inventory last week, we found about 32-tapes that did not match TSM's inventory. Has anyone else seen this? If so, can this be explained? Thanks. Mahesh "MMS <>" made the following annotations on 03/10/2003 05:15:05 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain confidential, proprietary, or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it, and notify the sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient. Health First reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications through its networks. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the individual sender, except (1) where the message states such views or opinions are on behalf of a particular entity; and (2) the sender is authorized by the entity to give such views or opinions. ==============================================================================