Hello Marcel, Please take a look here and select Media Manager,



At 23:23 10-3-2003 +0100, Marcel J.E. Mol wrote:
We see the same thing. Last week we took all ofsite tapes for a
disaster test and found 18 out of 50 were not listed in q drme.
I cannot guarantee that the tape operators did not make mistakes
and we will double check in the coming weeks but it sure sound as
a lot of lost tapes.

I suspect that it has to to with changing status of vault retrieve
volumes which somehow are not checked-in in time. When the volume
history is truncated to the point where this state change was made
the volume is 'lost'.
I asked a TSM expert about it and he said the best way to solve
this is to use some sort of media management tool that tracks
volumes outside the vault...
My opninion is that TSM should take care of this.

This is one of my major problems with TSM. It does not seem to
keep track of the very last status of every volume it has known
about. Except probably when you never truncate the volume history.

Does this seem as viable ecplanation or om I just missing something?


On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 04:17:38PM -0500, Mahesh Tailor wrote: > Hello! > > TSM on AIX > > I am running DRM and I am seeing large discrepancies in what I have > offsite and what TSM reports as being offsite. > > I run a q drm wherest=vault [or a select statement] and compare the list > to the physical tapes offsite and they don't match. About 8 weeks ago, > we did this manual inventory and had about 60-tapes "come back." I did > not pay much attention to this since we have been making some pretty > drastic changes to our retention policies. Since then, though, we have > not made any changes and when we did a manual inventory last week, we > found about 32-tapes that did not match TSM's inventory. > > Has anyone else seen this? If so, can this be explained? Thanks. > > Mahesh

     ======--------         Marcel J.E. Mol                MESA
Consulting B.V.
    =======---------        ph. +31-(0)6-54724868          P.O. Box 112
    =======---------        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 2630 AC  Nootdorp
__==== www.mesa.nl ---____U_n_i_x______I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t____ The Netherlands
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