>What happens to data on offsite volumes when the time has come to expire the >data from TSM? Does TSM delete the entry from the database even though the >offsite volume is unavailable, thus rendering the file on the offsite volume >as unrecoverable even though the file still exists on the offsite volume? Or >must one make the offsite volume available to TSM before the TSM db entry >can be removed?
Seems like you're coming from one of those old-fashioned backup systems... TSM adheres to a policy regimen, where rules you define strictly dictate how things happen. When it is time for data to expire, it expires. The location of the physical medium is irrelevant. This is how offsite tapes dwindle in their contained file populations, then go empty. Reusedelay allows you to keep such tapes from being reused for some time so that, as in a DR situation, you can restore a somewhat older copy of the TSM db and recover to a point in time where those recently expired files still exist. Richard Sims, http://people.bu.edu/rbs